May 18, 2024

The Lev preferred in mortgage loans

Banking expert analysis showed movement in mortgage loans and an increase of 31% yoy to requests from customers for terms and documents required for the award, it was clear from the published information.

According to experts, the most credit for housing seek civil servants, which clearly shows where people feel relatively safe for work and income. In the ranking followed the owners of firms with sound business and IT professionals who generally are among the highest paid.

Assessment of the bank is that the political uncertainty between April and June had no effect on the property market and prices are stable. Interest is the fact that the share of loans in BGN.

According to the data, the percentage of loans reached BGN 92.6 percent from 74.5 percent in the first quarter, and this means that confidence in the Bulgarian lev and the banking system is increased while the demand for loans in euro is rather accidental.

This fact, however, has another interpretation – if possible acceptance of Bulgaria in the eurozone and correction of the exchange rate BGN loans will be devalued. This is a serious argument, moreover, that most mortgages are long term, 10 to 20 years.